Illias Teirlinck

Familie Grrr

hetpaleis & De Nwe Tijd/ Suzanne Grotenhuis & Suze Milius


Welcome! We are delighted that this show will feature on your stage. The following page contains everything you need to make the show an outstanding one, in terms of both technical requirements and communications.

If you have any further queries concerning communications, please get in touch with Sarah Binnemans (+32 3 202 83 63). All other queries can be directed to Zita Epenge (+32 476 95 95 82).


Short content in English

Family Grrr is a prim and ordinary family. Mr Grrr is ordinary. Mrs Grrr is ordinary. Their child is ordinary. And even the spot of mould in the corner of the room, it's dead ordinary. Or does it just seem that way? Why does it start thundering and haunting just before bedtime? Why are breakfast plates and mean words flying through the air? And why do Mr and Mrs Grrr always shout so loudly? So loud, that the house starts shaking and strange characters come to visit....

Suzanne Grotenhuis, together with Suze Milius, creates a divorce thriller for children. A heroic, funny and evocative story, sometimes so exciting that you have to hold your breath for a moment.

The (initially) realistic and witty text by Suzanne Grotenhuis and Rebekka de Wit clashes delightfully with Milius' grotesque imagination. - De Morgen

Kurzer Inhalt auf Deutsch

Familie Grrr ist eine schlichte und gewöhnliche Familie. Herr Grrr ist gewöhnlich. Frau Grrr ist gewöhnlich. Ihr Kind ist gewöhnlich. Und sogar der Schimmelfleck in der Ecke des Zimmers ist ganz gewöhnlich. Oder scheint es nur so zu sein? Warum beginnt es kurz vor dem Schlafengehen zu donnern und zu spuken? Warum fliegen Frühstücksteller und gemeine Worte durch die Luft? Und warum schreien Herr und Frau Grrr immer so laut? So laut, dass das Haus zu wackeln beginnt und seltsame Gestalten zu Besuch kommen....

Suzanne Grotenhuis hat zusammen mit Suze Milius einen Scheidungskrimi für Kinder geschrieben. Eine heldenhafte, lustige und stimmungsvolle Geschichte, manchmal so spannend, dass man für einen Moment den Atem anhalten muss.




language level 0

full registration

If you would like to see the full length video please contact Zita Epenge (+32 476 95 95 82).


concept Suzanne Grotenhuis and Suze Milius
text Rebekka de Wit and Suzanne Grotenhuis
directed by Suze Milius
made in 2021 with Suzanne Grotenhuis, Jef Hellemans, Loes Swaenepoel, Jeroen Van der Ven and Ferre Vuye
played in season 21-22 by Aminata Demba, Jonas Leemans, Gina Beuk, Ferre Vuye and Mitch Van Landeghem
played in season 22-23 by Suzanne Grotenhuis, Jonas Leemans, Jef Hellemans, Loes Swaenepoel and Ferre Vuye
played in season 23-24 by Suzanne Grotenhuis, Jonas Leemans, Jef Hellemans, Gina Beuk and Ferre Vuye
stage design Wannes Deneer
light design Sander Salden
sound design
Wannes Deneer
sound design (internship) Freya van Nieuwenhuysen
costumes Nikè Moens
with thanks to Sabina Kumeling
assistent direction (internship) Jonas Baeke
artistic advice Freek Vielen
production and technical realisation hetpaleis and De Nwe Tijd
with the support of taxshelter measure of de Belgian Federal Government via Casa Kafka Pictures

financial and technical conditions

Technical requirements

  • small to medium-sized hall (width: min. 10 meters, length: min. 8 meters, height: min. 5 meters)
  • technical rider


  • 5+
