Truth or Dare, Britney or Goofy, Nacht und Nebel, Jesus Christ or Superstar

In Truth or Dare, Britney or Goofy, Nacht und Nebel, Jesus Christ or Superstar, Lies Pauwels
brings together seven real young adults who all have psychological vulnerabilities, three real
super-models and a priest. Together, we explore the demons we wrestle with, as individuals
and as a world.

Lies Pauwels' work is challenging, perceptive and authentic. In this piece, she pushes the
boundaries of truth just that little bit further, creating a world in which nothing is obvious, yet
everything is recognisable. This show is energising, complex and exciting experimental

Lies Pauwels states in an interview by Financial Times: "I have the psychiatric patients for
the horrible insides of the world, the fashion models suggest the outside, the need to appear
strong. Then the priest stands for the old certainties: a spirituality that doesn’t work any